The present website, accessible through the URL the Website is edited by Janice Feigher, member of the Paris Bar ad Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales, practicing individually, with her office located :
40, rue de Courcelles, 75008 Paris, France
Phone number : +33 6 65 71 79 83
E-mail :
Siret : 494 521 453 00022
European Community VAT number: FR054 945 21 453 Check
Director of publication : Janice Feigher
WebSite designer : Agence Studio421,
contact : Amandine Labrune,
Pictures of Janice Feigher
© Jean-Loup Hrycenko –
Pictures International Arbitration : © Oscar Lieutaud-Feigher
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The content of the Site is for information purposes only and cannot be interpreted as solicitation, canvassing or as an offer of services from her editor, Janice Feigher. The use of this Website or of its content is strictly forbidden unless for personal use and with no commercial purpose. The users and readers of this Website are the only responsible for the consequences of such use. By using this Website, the users accept to do so for legal and appropriate purposes only, in particular with respect to French law.